
Arts, Crafts and Music Ideas

Beadniks, 1937 W. Division, offers classes for tweens and teens.

Flourish Studios, 3020 N. Lincoln Ave. has storytelling at 10:30 and 4:30, filmaking classes, and even learning assessments and psychotherapy services!

Glazed Expressions, you pay cost of pottery and studio fee ($6 kids, $8 adults).  Week long camps for kids 7+. 717 W. Armitage.

Lillstreet Art Center

Magic, Inc. run by family of illusionists since 1926. 5082 N. Lincoln.

The Paintbrush, 2856 N. Halsted, kids age 18 mos - 8 yrs old.  School holiday workshops.

Wishcraft, sewing, etc in DIY craft studio.  Camps and classes.  2312 W. Roscoe.

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